a home.
That's right. We are living independently again. A gigantic thank you is in order to my amazing in-laws who let us invade their home for over a YEAR. They are so kind and selfless and generous and I am so, so, so grateful to them.
I am loving having my own home again! With fresh paint everywhere, new furniture, and new decorating ideas, I'm in a happy place. We have the house on the market and are still trying to sell it, but we are definitely not desperate by any means to move quickly. There have been many showings and even an offer, but God doesn't want it to sell just yet so we are enjoying our time here as much as we can.
the boys.
Jeffrey. This man is amazing. He works so hard for me to be able to stay home with our boys. I'm constantly amazed with him. God has blessed him and his business and February was a record month for Surefire Fitness. In his 'spare' time he's investing in me and our boys. He's such a servant and I'm so proud to be his wife. Sigh.
Viggo. This boy is, as my mom says, squishy. He's a whopping 24 pounds, and wears anywhere from 9 month to 18 month clothing, depending on the brand. He and Roman are sharing a size four diaper (which makes it awesome as far as buying goes) and a bedroom. He's been army crawling for a couple months now and is getting really fast. He loves hanging in the bathroom, specifically next to the toilet. Gross. And loves anything that has a cord attached to it. If there is a cord on the floor, you better believe he'll be after it. Some other favorites include paper, wooden puzzles, kicking his feet (a personal favorite), hair, his dad and Roman. It's so adorable to see Roman interact with him and see both of them cracking up at each other. Roman loves to make Viggo laugh.
(Most times he has this look on his face...there is obviously much to be concerned about)
We're starting to give V some baby food now. I really don't feel a big urge to start him on it seeing how he's obviously Roman. My adorable little two year old is constantly pushing his boundaries. When he doesn't get his way the waterworks start. It drives me crazy but I often have to remind myself he's only two and it's up to me to curb this behavior.
He says the funniest things now and his personality is really shining. I was reading a book to him out loud (just one of my books) and he picked up the phrase 'godly man.' I asked him if he was a godly man and he said 'No! I Roman!' I said, 'Yes, you are Roman, but are you a godly man too?' his answer...'No! I Roman!' I tried explaining to him that he can be a godly man too, but we just went back and forth. I guess he thought I was trying to change his identity. A few seconds later he asked me where the godly man went. Oh I love it. For another hilarious conversations between he and I, click here. You just never know what he's going to say.
I've started watching my niece, Sophia, on Tuesday's. It's really fun, and a lot easier than I thought it would be. She and Viggo are pretty much on the same nap schedule since they're only six weeks apart. I set up Sophia in the pack 'n play in my room and V naps upstairs while Roman and I hang out in the morning. And come afternoon, Roman and Sophia nap in my room together and Viggo upstairs. If Roman is upstairs with Viggo he won't sleep being that his toys are up there.
this one's here just cause Roman looks ridiculous...
When she comes, I've been having fun doing some cousin "photo shoots" as well as some individual pictures too. Girls are fun to photograph since you can doll them all up with accessories!coffee.
New favorite is theflyingbean.com. My dad's girlfriend got me hooked on it. For Christmas I got a pound of whole beans to go with my Cuisinart grind and brew coffee maker and when I run out and have to drink Folgers, I cringe. I've become a snob when it comes to coffee. ;) There are hundreds of different kinds of coffee. Espresso, flavored, organic, decaf, whole bean, ground. You name it, they have it. Delish.
the butterfly garden.
Okay, so I don't really enjoy insects flying around me to begin with, so this one took a little adjusting to. We took the boys to Reiman Gardens recently. It took Roman a little time to not jump every time a butterfly flew close to him, but he soon loved it. Viggo was tired and just stared at them. No flinching from him. Probably didn't even really care.
yeah...he got a haircut the next day
Happy Wednesday!