Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a love bite and big feet

Pretty self explanatory. Yes, it hurt. I may have been flailing my arms and screaming once the bite commenced. Maybe.
In other news...
...when did this one grow up? 

Friday, September 23, 2011

what's up

I've been struggling to keep up with blogging lately. I have every intention of sitting down in front of the computer for the sole purpose of blogging, but somehow it just doesn't happen. I'm pretty uninspired too. Probably because the time of  day that is allotted for such an even is when I'm totally brain dead and cannot even remember what happened that day....which is usually from the time I wake up.  So there's that.


There's a lot going on. Fall has gotten into full swing with routine, which I'm thankful for.  Wednesday through Friday we've got something going on.

I've jumped into two studies this year. One is BSF where we're going through Acts and the other is the book 'Who I Am In Christ' through my church. The BSF study is a far more intense study of the Bible than I normally do, but I'm excited for the challenge. They also have an incredible children's program and I'm even MORE excited about that aspect. So that's Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Friday mornings Roman is in a preschool co-op.  I'm super excited for him to be a part of something a little more structured in the learning department.  Lets face it, I'm not the greatest at using my time wisely, so this takes a little of the guilt away in those regards.

These last couple of weeks have been a challenge in a different way, though. Viggo has had two fevers which caused at least one ear infection, and I'm currently sitting next to a three year old who is struggling so hard to breathe through his nose he sounds like an 88 year old man.  Seriously, child, just use the other hole in your face. You'd sleep a lot better. So would I.  Just sayin'.  He also talks in his sleep a lot which always keeps the night interesting.

We ended up going to the ER last night because my sweet love had a temp of 104 for the second day in a row and is currently sporting at least a 103 temp. I just wanted to make sure he didn't have bacterial meningitis or something.  I always find it it hilarious when they give you the discharge sheet with the diagnosis on it. Last night our diagnosis was: fever, vomiting, nausea.  duh.  But everything checked out okay. No meningitis, ruptured appendix, ear infection, or strep throat. Just a dang virus.  Poor boy.  He's never had a temperature before (that I can remember), and he is my anti-sleeper. So to have in nodding off all throughout the day is a bittersweet break from his go-go-go lifestyle. and just to show how 'well' I'm coping with this sickness, we've been watching movie after movie after movie for two days now.  I can't wait to detox him (and myself) from the movies.  It's getting us me through now, though, so that's all that matters. 

Some exciting news is Viggo is getting braver and braver when it comes to walking. He's been letting go and free standing more confidently for a couple weeks now, and I caught on video a couple steps with his vacuum  Check it.  
I'm super excited for him to start walking. He wants to so badly he's been trying really hard to figure it out.


Photo Dump:

 Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

according to roman

{at the lunch table}

R: there's a bird pooping on us! remember we talked about that?  (fake laugh, fake laugh, fake laugh)


R: Guess what, mom?
Me: what?
R: chicken buuuuttttt! ha ha ha ha!


R: hold on to your butts! and horses tail!


{While praying before bed}

Me: Roman, what should we pray about?
R: umm, nuh-sing.
Me: whatever! What are you thankful for? what makes you happy?
R: ummm, kitty cats.
Me: we prayed about that last night. what else makes you happy?
R: bee-nanas. apples, oranges
Me: pick something else
R: okaaaaay. um...Christmas!
Me: oooo, good one!


{After BSF}

Me: Roman! did you know that God gave us the Holy Spirit to LIVE in our hearts? Isn't that awesome!
R: Yes!! But I want to hold one.
Me: you want to hold the Holy Spirit?
R: Yes! Please!
Me: well, it's not something you can hold. It's just in your body.
R: But I want to! I want grandpa to go buy one for me!


R: {gasp!} Mom! What are you wearing?!
Me: My new shirt! Do you like it?
R: no, I don't like it. It's grumpy.


Eating breakfast:

Jeff: 'What are you thinking about, Roman?'
R:  'um, Maverick and Gus. And my bed and spaceship. And cherries.'
R: ' hey mom, I'm pretending to be a baby.'
(I'm poking around on the computer)
R: Mom! I'm pretending to be a baby! Listen to me, mom! Listen to me!'

Sunday, September 4, 2011

according to roman

{after nap during snack}
Me: Roman, aren't you going to eat your bar?
R: No, because it has crap on it.
Me: {laughing on the inside} it does?
Jeff: What has crap on it?
R: My bar. I not gonna eat it because it has crap on it. So I not gonna eat it.


{during bedtime in his typical stalling fashion}
R: (in a whiny voice) 'Dada, can you go ask my mommy if she can come up here so I can pway with her hair?'
J: no, Roman. Go to bed.
R: but I want her to! (starts to lose it a little, then regroups enough to say...) Dada, can you pweese go get mama and tell her to come up here so I can pway with her hair? Can you do that dada?'
J: No, Roman. go to sleep
{insert fake crying here...for about 5 minutes, then re-groups}
R: hey dad. can you ask my mom if she can come up here and pway with my hair.
J: I'll come up and do it
R: I want her to do something else upstairs, dad. I want her to lay with me and so I can pway with her hair.