Because I know you're eagerly wanting to know how this is going.....
Yesterday was the first day of no-nursing in the afternoon. I have it all mapped out on Google Calendar. :) It wasn't hard for me to skip the afternoon feeding yesterday because I wasn't there. My mom was so gracious and watched the boys in the afternoon so I could run to Des Moines for a few hours. Lucky for everyone Viggo decided to accept it and actually napped. It's always easier if the mama isn't there.
Today has been good so far. We were busy this morning with friends, I ran to the grocery store, picked the boys up, came home and ate lunch, put some warm milk {because V isn't allergic to it!} in a sippy cup, rocked him for a few minutes and laid him in his crib. He cried for maybe five minutes, but has been sleeping ever since. Praise God! If you are praying for us, thank you so much, it's helping!
{If you are wondering, my stomach looks exactly like his, only with some stretch marks} :)
What I'm most worried about, however, is when we cut out his overnight feeding(s)...which begins tomorrow night. I'm giving us three days {instead of two} to figure that one out. I'm not a 'cry it out' mama, so be praying extra for us.
In other news. Someone has become a mister bossy britches.
so...that's fun.
Hope you're having a fantastic Thursday! We leave for Vegas in a week. EEEP!!!