my mind is a mess of thoughts. there are so many things i want to share with you all, however, i am unable to string it all together in a way that would make sense. so my remedy for that will be to give you bits and pieces of everything that's been going on with us lately.
i can't post photos on this here blog anymore without, apparently, buying more storage space. and due to my lack of knowledge in the realm of everything that has to do with blogging, i don't know if it's something that can be fixed without actually purchasing more or what. and also, my computer is a piece of crap...that i rarely have anymore since jeff needs to use it for work now. if anyone's wondering, he and i would both love a mac. just throwing that out there.
this is going to be so boring without photos.
roman turned four. four! i'm not sad about it. three was a very trying year for both he and i, and i couldn't be happier it's over. sounds awful, but let's just say we both learned a little more about pushing boundaries with each other.
i'm so excited for his fourth year of life. he is one hilarious kid who loves star wars and acting out the scenes with his brother. he has a tender heart and still asks to snuggle with me quite often. i don't hate it. i can see how he is figuring out this coming-into-your-own thing. and one thing is for sure. you get him around his friends and all of a sudden he comes alive in a completely different way than at home with me. it's so awesome.
i've been wanting to learn something new for a while now. to challenge my brain in a way that's not related to supper plans. i need to learn how to use my camera and i'd love to learn photoshop and illustrator. anyone willing to teach me?
viggo is a little nudist. he undresses himself two to three times a day- typically at nap and bed time. every night before i turn in it's become routine for me to check on him and make sure he's not sans clothes. during the day is when he likes to remove his diaper from time to time as well.
i love his age. two has to be my favorite age. still baby enough yet old enough. just the right balance. and the talking. for goodness sakes how i melt whenever he talks. everything he says is so delicious and i could just listen to him all day long.
we are 30 weeks into the pregnancy with Sister. 30 weeks already. this is fantastic news. it's no secret i am not an i-love-being-pregnant kind of gal. in fact, and it's taken me a while to accept this but, it is one of my least favorite things. and to know that we are two short months away from being done forever? well, i would do a cartwheel if i could. that's not to say i am not incredibly thankful for the ability to get pregnant easily and enjoy the blessings of my children. but it is literally my least favorite thing. i don't want it to be, but it is.
now with all that said, we had an ultrasound yesterday and yay for good news!
here's the run down: she weighs two pounds and three ounces. hello small one. our dr. guesstimated her birth weight to be in the five pound range. roman was six pounds fifteen ounces and i felt like he was the smallest ever, so, five pounds will be weird. i literally went into my kitchen and found our five pound sack of flour and held it for a minute or two. we also learned that one of her kidneys is larger than the other. we don't know why or if it will correct itself, but they'll monitor it and if it ends up not working at all, as long as her other one works fine (which it appears to be doing) there's no need to worry too much about it. people live with one kidney all the time. our dr. didn't mention any concern about her heart this time and the hygroma is tiny. you actually have to search for it now. and the fluid around her skull is gone. can i get a woot woot!? this is great news. she is our little miracle.
as far as delivery goes, obviously the longer she can bake the better, however if there are no complications between now and her due date we're most likely looking at 38 or 39 weeks for her arrival. that would put her making her appearance the first week of february. i have two months left, at best. enter time to get my butt in gear. there are freezer meals to be made, clothes, shoes and accessories to buy, a nursery to prepare. nesting hasn't kicked in yet, so i apparently feel as though i have ample time to accomplish such enormous tasks.
we are so excited to meet her. from her ultrasound photos she is the cutest little thing ever. she is a feisty thing with the crazy amounts of triple sow cowing she does.
in conclusion, there are three things that make me very, very, very happy. one: ice. i'm not exaggerating when i say i buy 15 pounds of artic blast ice from swift stop every two weeks or less. jeff told me this morning my ice chewing is out of control. i think it's just fine. two: orange juice. i probably consume a gallon of simply orange orange juice in less than eight days. and three: the smell of my basement....and e-free church. kid. you. not. i know, i know. weird and probably to some of you, gross. but if a trip to the basement is all i need to have a happy attitude then i have never been more eager to do laundry in my life.
i hope you were able to follow along at least a little bit. I apologize if it jumbled and you lost interest. it would have been better with photos...