well the last 6 weeks have been crazy, but apparently not crazy enough to blog about...woops. finding out we are having a baby has pretty much consumed our lives. it's very weird. a couple days after discovering the news i began to feel sick. not awesome seeing as how no one in my family has fallen victim to that so far. but i am known for standing out i spose... :) oh well. we're in our 12th week now so i'm praying that it starts to go away soon! There's a lot to have to figure out now. Where i'm going to work, how much i'm going to work, where and what jeff is going to do...and for someone who doesnt really plan much, it's overwhelming! I'm down to 4 days at work right now cuz gas is so expensive! dumb gas. but that's all i know right now. my heart wants so badly to work part time or not at all, but with jeff being in school for at least another year here, that might not work out so well. i'm trying not to think too much about it though, i like to take things as they come i guess. jeff's the planner. :)

yesterday was a big day for us and our little baby! we had our doctors appt and we heard the heartbeat! that is now my favorite sound in the world! i could listen to it all day long. jeff thinks it's pretty awesome too. it was 168 beats per minute... so fast! our nurse-midwife told us that was pretty common for this stage of pregnancy. We have another appt in 4 weeks and we'll hopefully get to hear it again and this time i'm recording it on my phone! Its now way more real to me that we're actually having a baby. hearing a little life inside me....praise God! if creating a life doesnt make someone believe in God, i dont know what could. it is truly the most amazing thing God has done for me. i love it! i cant wait to meet out little peanut!!
12 weeks
yay! how exciting! i can't even imagine all the changes. it would feel so surreal! i'm glad you guys are having kids first, then nate and i can ask you guys a zillion quesitons. :)
you have a blog!!!!!! :) yay! jeff and jesse are REALLY close in age :)
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