We Had 3 Christmas celebrations this year! It was a lot for all of us (especially Roman), but we love being with family and had a lot of fun! Roman walked away a winner with more toys than we know what to do with! He loved opening all his gifts this year. It was awesome to see him do things more independently!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
We Had 3 Christmas celebrations this year! It was a lot for all of us (especially Roman), but we love being with family and had a lot of fun! Roman walked away a winner with more toys than we know what to do with! He loved opening all his gifts this year. It was awesome to see him do things more independently!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A Moment of Self Pity (just let me have it...)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Birthday Update
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It's Potty Time!
Monday, November 16, 2009
24, Not to be confused with Kiefer Sutherland
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
11 Months!
- Still not sleeping through the night
- You LOVE your bottle! (see photo below...we're going to have to break you of this...)
- You learned to crawl! army style... it's too cute!
- You also learned to sit up from a laying down position! woot woot!
- You have 4 teeth, and working on some more
- We see Dr. Michael Jorgenson on a bi-weekly basis for good chiropractic care!
- Learned new, super funny ways to use your mouth
- Babbles a TON! Pronounces the 'p' in his "phrases"
- You say: 'apple' (everything is apple), 'up', 'out', 'mama', and "uh-oh"
- You weigh around 27 pounds!
- Still have severe food allergies, but mom and dad are praying everyday that they go away!
- Mom can tell you fake cry. It sounds VERY forced! ha!
- You have a beautiful smile, but have a cheesey smile too...quite funny!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Next Baby Gap Model???
Friday, October 16, 2009
Latest Favorite Thing
Pumpkin Painting!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
What a Thoughful Daddy!
Monday, October 5, 2009
What Works for Us
Thursday, October 1, 2009
We Got Our Pumpkins....
Thursday, September 24, 2009
out with the old
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Family Photos

Monday, September 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
busy! busy!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
JAMA 2001 Apr 4;285(13):1746-8 Detection of peanut allergens in breast milk of lactating women states, “Most individuals who react to peanuts do so on their first known exposure”……………..and concluded “Peanut protein is secreted into breast milk of lactating women following maternal dietary ingestion. Exposure to peanut protein during breastfeeding is a route of occult exposure that may result in sensitization of at-risk infants." PMID 11277829
Women have been ingesting peanut protein while breastfeeding for decades. What has changed in the last 15 years to cause infants to develop life-threatening allergies to this legume? One change has been the vaccination schedule.
The Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1999 Jul; 119(3):205-11 Pertussis adjuvant prolongs intestinal hypersensitivity concludes: Our findings indicate nanogram quantities of PT (pertussis toxin), when administered with a food protein, result in long-term senitization to the antigen, and altered intestinal neuroimmune function. These data suggest that exposure to bacterial pathogens may prolong the normally transient immune responsiveness to inert food antigens. PMID 10436392
Does this study explain why babies and toddlers react on their first exposure to the peanuts or other antigens? The babies may have been sensitized by the vaccines to the proteins through breast milk or formula ingested at the time of vaccination. This would also explain why children are anaphylactic to a variety of proteins, such as different tree nuts, peanuts, egg, legumes, milk, seeds, etc., depending on what proteins the mother ate at the time of vaccination.
http://www.vaccinetruth.org/peanut_oil.htm (this is the link I found this info on)
Interesting, isn't it?! Back to the ingredients in vaccines; I compared the ingredients in vaccines to the ingredients that we now have to avoid in food for Roman, and wouldn't you know, according to my list, he is allergic to pretty much all the vaccine ingredients. That has pretty much consumed my 'free time'. Researching this stuff.
Anywho! To switch subjects, I'm tired and still need to pack! I'll have photos and stories of Texas when I get back!