So the last couple weeks of August were CRAZY! Roman and I went to Texas to visit my best friend, Erika and 3 month old baby girl Caillet, and her husband, Chad. We had so much fun! It was a pretty action packed week, to say the least! :) Its not like we did a lot of activities. We mainly just hung out because Roman had a cold and I didn't want to push him too far, and then he got his girlfriend, Caillet, sick. Still sorry about that, Caillet.
What I mean by action packed is:
Roman ran out of formula and it's nearly impossible to find anywhere in stock
I broke my toe
We had to take Roman to the ER down there. He's allergic to soy, though his results came back negative
Roman had his first dip in a real pool, and loved it!
I left my phone there (but now have it back, along with a beautiful mint green scarf/burka...if you want it, let me know....)
Lots of stories that are too long to type. We had a great time, though, and already miss the Carouthers' dearly!! Can't wait to see them in November!
When Ro and I returned from Texas, Roman turned 9 months, and we had to finish packing up the house and move! Moving was successful and we still are settling in...meaning I still have to unpack pretty much everything! Not excited about it.
My little man is 9 whole months now!! That is ridiculous! He's super fun!! Chatty cathy, not quite mobile yet, however he can scoot on his butt pretty good. Starting to pull up on some things (from a sitting position. dont get excited...he just barely gets his butt off the floor, but it's a start!) Shakes his head 'no', has MASTERED pinching ones skin, lip, face, etc..., isn't feeding himself yet, and hates having his runny nose wiped. At his 9 mo dr. visit we decided to hold off on his hep b shot. He's in the 97% for weight, 42% for height, wearing 18-24 months shirts, and 24 month to 2T pants.
We love you, Roman! You bring us more joy than you could ever know!
Oh yeah, today I bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner because of Ro's allergies. They have been going crazy ever since we moved in with the in-laws. It. Is. AMAZING.
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