Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i'll start at the beginning

alright, so here we go. first blog in almost 8 months. it's been a busy eight months! last time i wrote i was 17 weeks pregnant. my whole pregnancy was kinda crappy, ok no, it was really crappy. to start, i was really sick up unitl 20 weeks (which is 1/2 way). i was very sensitive to smells and the only thing that didn't trigger gagging (which led to throwing up) was the smell of aveda. it was awful! then i hit 20 weeks and it's gone. i think there were maybe 5 to 6 weeks of feeling great, and then along came swelling, carpel tunnel, a separated pelvic bone (which made it horribly painful to to simple tasks such as walk, sit, stand, turning over in bed...etc.), the migranes. pretty much the worst of everything! i was getting along with all of that until my 38 week appt. when apparently i developed pre-eclampsia. therefore i was admitted to the hospital right away! i was under observation for 24 hrs to see if it would go away, but it didnt. i was induced thanksgiving evening and my water broke friday morning! i labored for 16.5 hours until Roman Miles arrived at 9:25 pm!! he was 6lbs, 15 oz, 20 inches long, and perfect!

so, Roman's 3 months old now, and getting awesomer! he smiles and laughs and babbles a whole lot now! i really cannot believe at 3 months he's in size 3 diapers! huge kid! jeff loves being a dad and motherhood is such a blessing!! God has given me such a good, easy baby. he only crys when he's hungary or gassy. i'm so thankful to Him because i dont know if i could have handled a coliky, fussy baby. Now that i am responsible for another life it has really made me get my (spiritual) act together. its kind of sad it took up until now, but better now than never! :) I'm really trying to learn as much as i can on how to be an example to Roman and to teach him, even now, about his Creator, and how to be a good wife to Jeff!


Caitlin said...

Mike and I both really liked Shepherding a Child's Heart. We have it on CD if you ever want to borrow it. It even has stuff about babies and would be applicable now/soon. :)

Lissa said...

This is really encouraging, Sarah! God can really use things like this to turn our attention to him. Yea! :) I love you!