Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
4 months already!
Well, Ro weighed in at 18 pounds 4 ounces and 26 inches long w/a head cirumf. of 42 (or 45....). big kid. It's nice having a sturdy, healthy little boy. And when the nurse came back in to give him his shots...hardly a cry outta him. I was so proud. I think he was upset more so that he was tired. Ive been thinking about how this is the easy part, and how it's going to get a lot harder as he gets older. ugh. The other crappy thing is he has a nasty case of eczema. my poor little love. we were told to get cortaid and use it 2x a day for a week. i hope that breaks this cycle of it. it's been pretty bad on his face (mostly forehead) for a couple weeks now. Jeff and i were reading online that it's pretty much directly inherited from either a parent or close bad. but i'm going to try giving him a daily bath, instead of every other day, and see how that works. I'm also reconsidering cutting out dairy again. i read that might be a culprit. oh no, if it is i will lose 10lbs like that! dairy is pretty much my diet. time to get creative i suppose. I can only hope he grows out of it. We also talked about foods. I expressed to dr. nau i'd really like to hold off as long as possible, just because i dont want to create the possibility of him developing an allergy of any kind. So, he said dont worry about anything until 6 months. simple as that! i'm partially relieved because i'm emotionally not ready for that i dont think. yeah, it'll be fun and all, but i'm just so used to being his only, and sole provider for food. plus it calms me down to nurse him, i love it. so it will be hard to start the weening process. these last 4 months have flown, so the next 8 will i'm sure. I'm just trying to soak up every moment.
Also, i've taken roman to the chiro twice now for his neck... but dr. nau doesnt think he needs to go at all. He said roman's got great range of motion so there's no need for it, but dr. rod obviously was doing SOMETHING to him, right? I dont know what to do. it seems like when he sees the chiro, he stops having bowel movements, and then doesnt sleep well. So i think i'll skip this next one and see how it goes. (we're on day 2 of no poop again, and after 4 days last time, when he finally did poop, he slept 3 1/2 hours straight...i think there is a link between the two). so, if you think about praying for his little body... :)
So, there's this vicious cycle that happens when you get stressed and are nursing. Your milk supply starts to drop... and BOY has it ever. Which is in and of itself, stressful. you see the cycle? I have been WAY too busy this last week, and i am determined to stop. :) it only makes me stressed out, and then my body doesn't produce what i need it to produce, in order for me to store it for the days that i work! ugh. i've been trying to mentally calm myself down, and i am taking fenugreek to help w/ lactation. (tmi?). Anyway. i'm sitting between 2 sleeping boys in bed and should probably join them! Goodnight!
Monday, March 23, 2009
woot! woot!
Jeff and i have been trying to get roman back on a schedule. daylight savings totally threw roman off as well as myself. i think i've figured out when his bedtime is, now for the naps. it's been a real challenge lately. there are some who can let their child 'cry' it out, and it's great that that works for them. however, i cannot and will not let roman just cry. it would tear my heart apart. there HAS to be another way, right? and really, it's not like i'm pressed for time or anything, so whose rushing!? i've been reading 'healthy sleep habits, happy child' and i love this new approach on sleep. it's a more natural way of going about it. pretty much, instead of making your baby get on your schedule, the baby pretty much develops a sleep pattern all by themself. you just have to look for the signs of drowsiness first, and put them down before they hit the overly tired stage. it makes more sense to me, but i do have the privilege of staying at home with roman, so i have really no agenda and can take more time with these things. i totally get it if the parent has to go back to work and needs a schedule. i just dont like the idea of a baby wise approach i guess...for me.
another exciting thing is that i started my new job this last saturday! (my new job working for myself, that is). it was great! i had an awesome time, and i was busy which made the day go by fast! it was really great getting back into the salon and feeling like i'm financially contributing again. i had a blast! if you want your hair done, please give me a call! i'd love to do it!
my small group hasn't met in 3 weeks! blah. i hate it when we dont meet for a long time like that. i need to stay connected to stay accountable and just encouraged, otherwise i struggle staying disciplined with reading my bible and such. i'm also reading like 4 other books, which, for a non-reader, is quite impressive. they are all great books, but i'm currently having a hard time finding time to read each one. oh well. i'll get it done. it just might take a while.
ok, i know most wives think this about their husbands, but i'm pretty sure mine is the best. :) jeff had spring break this last week and it was so nice to have him home more. he still worked, just no school. he helped me around the house, gave me a bunch of back rubs, helped w/ the dishes (a daunting task), and when i went to work on saturday, he and roman got to spend all day together! i'm glad about that too. i need to start letting go a little, and jeff can teach him how to be a boy. he's a great dad! jeff is also completely suited for handling my, sometimes, emotional self. haha. i am so convinced that God created jeff just for me. we fit well together and compliment each other greatly i think. i'm very thankful for him, and for my blessed little family.
Monday, March 16, 2009
a much needed update
We got roman's 3 month photos taken! and holy cow am i impressed with them! Danny Vasquez was our photographer and he is absolutely amazing! he's soo talented and i'm extremely thankful he's willingness to do a service exchange with me! I cut his whole immediate family's hair in exchange for some awesome photographs. What a deal. i kind of feel i'm getting the better end of it, and i hope danny thinks it's a fair trade. here are a couple of my favorites that danny took.

I cannot believe roman will be 4 months a week from friday! seriously. ridiculous. he is doing the funnest things now! he cant get enough of his fist it seems. i bet it's delicious, really. and it doesnt take but smiling at him to get him to smile back. I think soon he will start laughing out loud. He's on the brink of it now! Roman is also a champ at holding his head up while on his tummy! check it out!
Roman also had his very first adjustment from Dr. Rod! He didnt hate it, which was really good. i didnt know what to expect so i wanted jeff to come with us, and like the wonderful husband he is, he skipped his class to join us. here's a couple photos of that!
the kid loves his fist
i am so sure our decision for me to stay home was the right one. AND in fact, i found a place to work just 1 day a week. every saturday i'll be working at Modern Strands out in west ames by the broiler. and i am definitely taking appointments! :) i've been praying that i get busy enough to make it worth the rent payment (which totally isn't bad at all) and to bring in some extra money for us. i think it will take time, but i know it'll happen! hopefully!
Lets see, what's new with jeff. well, he's trying to find a job for the summer. right now where he's working (selling exercise equ.) is pretty slow, and now that we're headed for nice weather for good, people arnt necessarily buying equipment to work out in their homes. so! pray that he finds a good job that he likes.
a side note: my sister-in-law and her husband need prayer. they are going thru a difficult time right now, so if you could be praying for her and her family we'd appreciate that as well. thanks!