We got roman's 3 month photos taken! and holy cow am i impressed with them! Danny Vasquez was our photographer and he is absolutely amazing! he's soo talented and i'm extremely thankful he's willingness to do a service exchange with me! I cut his whole immediate family's hair in exchange for some awesome photographs. What a deal. i kind of feel i'm getting the better end of it, and i hope danny thinks it's a fair trade. here are a couple of my favorites that danny took.

I cannot believe roman will be 4 months a week from friday! seriously. ridiculous. he is doing the funnest things now! he cant get enough of his fist it seems. i bet it's delicious, really. and it doesnt take but smiling at him to get him to smile back. I think soon he will start laughing out loud. He's on the brink of it now! Roman is also a champ at holding his head up while on his tummy! check it out!
Roman also had his very first adjustment from Dr. Rod! He didnt hate it, which was really good. i didnt know what to expect so i wanted jeff to come with us, and like the wonderful husband he is, he skipped his class to join us. here's a couple photos of that!
the kid loves his fist
i am so sure our decision for me to stay home was the right one. AND in fact, i found a place to work just 1 day a week. every saturday i'll be working at Modern Strands out in west ames by the broiler. and i am definitely taking appointments! :) i've been praying that i get busy enough to make it worth the rent payment (which totally isn't bad at all) and to bring in some extra money for us. i think it will take time, but i know it'll happen! hopefully!
Lets see, what's new with jeff. well, he's trying to find a job for the summer. right now where he's working (selling exercise equ.) is pretty slow, and now that we're headed for nice weather for good, people arnt necessarily buying equipment to work out in their homes. so! pray that he finds a good job that he likes.
a side note: my sister-in-law and her husband need prayer. they are going thru a difficult time right now, so if you could be praying for her and her family we'd appreciate that as well. thanks!
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