Another Roman trial is his gassiness. So i decided to cut out dairy to see if that helps cause i've read and heard that it makes a world of difference. It's been probably 3 to 3 1/2 weeks since i've done this very difficult task when that is pretty much your diet all together, and i've been asked if i've seen any difference in roman's little body. To that I usually respond with a(n), "eeeehhhhh, yeeeaaahhhh, maybe? I dont know really...'
And then, just today it dawned on me while i was out running errands. Since i've 'cut out' dairy, i've been consuming a LOT of bread. (you'd think that once you cut a large part of you diet out, you'd be losing weight or something....not me, cause i have been filling that void with BREAD!!!) :) I love bread. love it. love it. love it. But today i got to thinking. Hmmm, how is bread made? what ingredients are used to make it?
Contains: wheat, soy and MILK!!!
I am an idiot! :) so NO. of course i cant tell a difference in roman's gassiness cause i haven't REALLY cut out dairy!! DANG IT!! i was working so hard to not eat it too! ugh. It takes up to 2 weeks for it to completely leave your system. So now i dont know what to do! bread is pretty much my livelihood at the moment. I really dont know what else to eat! and i dont really know what i'm going to do about it. oh man. what a predicament! (it's really not as bad as it sounds....just so you know).
I just thought i should tell you that i'm pretty much a genius. :)
oh, the joys of motherhood. You're doing a great job. So much is trial and error! i have talked to some moms that say that dairy doesn't make a difference to their babies. So maybe it's not every baby! Sugar can be another contributor to gas, and eczema. I have been cutting that out and it's helping me and baby. The napping thing, well, you just have to do what your comfortable with. Just know that good sleep patterns are est. early in life, so if you want more babies it will make your life easier if you go through it now. keep your chin up, your doing great!
I just read that an all cupcake diet prevents gas in breasfed babies... I can't remember where I read it but I'm sure I did...
that's funny, sarah! :) i'll pray for you two for wisdom! that must be frustrating. i hope you're well, ma'am! I love you!
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