Monday, June 8, 2009

6 months and then some

This is a little late but better late than never!

Roman is now 6 months (plus a week and a few days)! Seriously?! Where did the last 6 months go, and what have i been doing!? Oh yeah, enjoying every minute of them! (but they really did go by way too fast!) So, as a little tribute to my adorable little man, i will give you his stats. :) and then his outfit sizes...

Birth: 6lbs 15 oz 20in long
2 weeks: 7lbs 11 oz 20 long
8/9 week:13lbs 10 oz 22.25 long
4 months: 18lbs 4 oz 26 long
6 months: 22lbs 12 oz 26.5 long = 99% for weight, 60th% for height.

my little chunk. i LOVE it!!!

So, he went from this:

to this:

in 6 short months! so crazy.

As for clothing sizes, lets just say i bought a size 24 months pair of shorts a couple days ago. I think when he finally begins to move (crawl/walk) he will go back to sizes hopefully more true to his age. Or maybe not. Maybe he'll just be huge. either way will be awesome!

I will be posting more recent photos of roman as well as TONS and TONS of videos of him. For some reason this blog wont download them, so i have to use youtube. however i'm not familiar with it yet, so as soon as i get that going (in the next couple days) there will be a massive video explosion! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my word!! I forgot how tiny he was!! We think he's pretty darn cute!

Dan and Katie Mourlam said...

Oh I love it!! He is so amazing and adorable!