This water park was nuts! Apparently everyone else around had the same idea as Art and Cindy did. If you can't swim outside, then swim inside. It was packed! Kids where everywhere.
When we arrived at the hotel, of course the first thing we did was get in our swim gear and head down. It was
The park had a kids area with smaller slides, and then there were the 2 big slides. I was lucky enough to avoid the pressure of going down any of the slides due to my awesome pregnant timing. I'm such a wuss. Jeff, Leah, Art, and Andrew all went down them though.
After our water fun, we headed out to dinner. Roman dined on sweet potato fries and some fruit, of which he enjoyed tremendously.
And here's when the night gets exciting. We can't very well have an uneventful overnight away from home, now can we. Roman went to bed around 9pm. He had been coughing a little more than his very infrequent ones a week prior. I thought he was just getting a cold. Around 11pm he (and I) woke up (I never really fell asleep) in a panic due to his inability to breathe well. My first instinct is to grab him and his epi pen to have it ready if he stops breathing all together. I thought it could be a delayed food reaction. Next I had Jeff call the front desk to call an ambulance. We sat, snuggled and prayed in the bathroom with the shower going to get some steam in the air.
When the paramedics arrived they checked him over. They determined no action on their part was needed, however they suggested we go to the hospital to be on the safe side, of which I agreed before they could finish their sentence.
We went to Mercy in IA City and our ER doctor determined Roman had a mild case of croup. Of all things! I'd hate to see what a severe case looked like. No breathing treatment was needed, thank goodness. Roman hates them. And he said the worst of it was most likely over.
We returned to the hotel, fell asleep around 2am, Roman woke up around 5:30am and I brought him into our bed where we slept for another hour and a half or so. We were up for the day around 7:15am. I believe we are all still recovering from a lack of sleep. We packed up and headed home after breakfast. It's good to be home.
Our next adventure: Nashville.
Your swimming suit is ridiculously cute! Where did you get it?
#1 Ki wants to know why you're all naked.
#2 You can't really be pregnant. You're way too tiny!
#3 Hope you get rested up and the little man gets better soon! Glad it was "just" croup.
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