Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Littles

I can't believe I've let almost two weeks go by with nothing from me! If I spent as much time blogging as I did on Facebook, you'd have to check back between four and six times per day. It's a habit I'm trying to break as it is not very productive.

I'm thinking I'd like to gush about my incredible, edible Roman. He is such a delight. A handful at times, but any stress all melts away when he gives me kisses out of the blue (and unprompted), or his remarkable way of looking at me when he knows he's in trouble, or after requesting to go 'ad-di  uh huh?' -long i- (outside), eight times in a row and I finally give in, his pleased-with-himself grin and sweet little giggle restore any lost hope for the day.

I'm trying to see the world through his big, beautiful, blue eyes. Those eyes that have only been seeing for a mere 16 months. New discoveries around every corner await being encountered. He finds a ridiculous amount of joy with sidewalk chalk, rocks, and strolling down the yard and back. I'm positive his mind has been blown with the amount of ground he can cover since learning to walk last month. He's mastering his balance still, but getting so good!

Eating dinner is much more fun when doing so under the evening sun.

Roman's speech is fantastic. He is saying so many words and has even said 'no mama' and 'mah kakah' (more cracker), once or twice. 'No' is by far the favorite word in his limited vocabulary, yet it is so amazing how well he can repeat a word you tell him to say.

But it isn't always peaches and cream here. With his new found independence he's just that.  Mr. Independent. And when he doesn't get what his little, precious heart desires -which lately has been going outside every second of the day- he likes to throw a little, precious fit. Just earlier this week he was rolling on the floor with crocodile tears streaming down his face for about 20 minutes because I was cooking dinner and he wanted to return to nature. I laughed out loud and video taped it.

I have never known this kind of love. My heart is overflowing with love for this little person. If this is even a fraction of the way God loves his children, we're all in for a treat when we get to heaven.

And to our newest Little. I cannot wait for his arrival. He is busy moving, flipping, kicking and growing. I often wonder if he will resemble his big brother upon birth. It's hard to believe he's already 25 weeks old. We only have 15 more short weeks, just him and I. It's been a lot harder to bond with him the way I did with Roman. I stay so busy during the day that I just don't think about it as much. Jeff asked me if I love him the way I love Roman. I told him it's different. I absolutely love him, but I think I need to have him in my arms and gaze into his eyes to fall in love. I am getting so anxious to meet him and learn what he's all about. So is Roman. He gives Baby kisses and talks about Baby all the time. He also loves babies in general so I know he is going to be an outstanding, helpful big brother. I'm already proud of him.

Here's to enjoying our Littles.


Bethany Sines said...

what a sweet, sweet post. i love reading this.

Anonymous said...

It was that way with Elana for me, too. I didn't bond with her until she was here, and I don't think I loved her in the way I do now until sometime in the second week.. before that, she was always hungry and I was always tired. haha!