Holy crap. Seriously. My Viggo is already three weeks old and I haven't done him justice in the photo taking department. I remember with Roman I kind of did the same thing with my main excuse as 'well all they do is sleep and eat anyway.' This time around I think it's mostly laziness and exhaustion. Roman's getting the shaft in pictures, too. Sorry boys.
I was going to write about, well, a thousand different things but I have a hard time narrowing things down and prioritizing what to blog about. I like to give as much detail as possible when I blog about something and if I were to do that with the train wreck of a brain I'm currently sporting, I'd most likely put you to sleep with the longest blog post ever. My life is not that entertaining so I'll spare you and put it in a list instead. Who doesn't like lists....straight and to the point thankyouverymuch.
~Parenting two littles is THE.HARDEST.THING.EVER. for me right now.
~I can't get ahead....of anything! (laundry, cleaning, sleeping, etc...)
~I've been 'refreshing' a load of laundry in the dryer for the last three weeks because the previous point
~My brain is completely fried
~My favorite word is 'Swoon' and it means: 'To enter a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy'
~I need to prioritize my life - giving more time to the important things and less time to things like facebook. I'm beginning to hate it and all it's luring effects.
~Jeff is going to be leading a Bible study for some high schoolers this fall. Pretty stoked about it cause it's out of his comfort zone and I like it when he gets out of his comfort zone.
~I need to read my Bible more
~I'm ready to move into my own house again....so if anyone can help my poor husband get it ready for us, that would be fantastic
~We spelled Viggo with two 'g's', but I think I like it better with one
~Roman is naughty....hello terrible two's, I guess. Suggestions?!?!?! He also talks in his sleep occasionally, which could be really hilariously awesome when he gets older.
~When Viggo nurses, once he gets on properly, he nuzzles in and clenches his fists bringing them up by his jaw and looks like a baby tyrannosaurus....swoon
~Viggo is fussy. booo. Annddd he *screams his head off while in the car. What newborn hates car rides?
~A week ago V weighed 8lbs 10oz
~Roman is the smartest kid ever. True story.
~I'm pretty sure I wouldn't mind having all boys
~Roman's current favorite movie is, as he says, foo pada, or Kung Foo Panda. He is constantly hi-ya-ing everything.
~Jeff goes to bed between 8 and 8:30 pretty much every night. ;) old.
~I still haven't taken off my hospital bracelet. Not there yet.
~I'm so blessed and grateful for a husband who has shown me SO MUCH grace these last few weeks. Thanks, Jeffrey.
*Scream meaning I have to pull over at least once during a car ride, take him out of his seat and calm him down in order to continue driving without worrying if he'll pass out or throw up because he's crying so hard.
I can relate with so many of these points! Is Viggo really a day younger than Graham!? For some reason I thought you had him a few days before GRaham!
Also, I LOVE the peeling feet picture! After a while they got to me though and I got out the lotion! lol
I love this post...swoon! A great, honest, real-life list. Hang in there, sister, it'll get better! Two rocked my world also, so I know right where you're at. :( I love you!!!!
Oh man, I hear ya! I'm still behind on stuff (but I'm new to the whole SAHM thing, so don't fret!). You can still change Viggo's name if it bugs you that much...he won't know the difference. ;)
Ella did that crying thing too in the car for a while. She quit a couple months ago. It gets better! Sometimes she just had a big burp she couldn't get out in her car seat. I pulled over sometimes and snuggled her too.
What is Jeff working on in your house?
OH! Also, where do you get tattoos for Roman?
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