Saturday, November 13, 2010

little of this, little of that

It's flippin' freezing out there today. The wind is thrashing, the air is spitting, and it is gray. Coffee is brewing, there is talk of warming ourselves by a fire tonight...indoors of course, and I have nothing planned but movies for my littles. Maybe some game playing will happen, but mostly, I want to veg out. In my jammies. With my babies. And do...nothing. It's a perfect day for nothing.

This morning my mom and I took the boys up to Ellsworth to pick up a chair I bought at a consignment store about a month ago.
The plan is to reupholster it. Wish me luck, 'cause I'm gonna attempt to do it myself, with my mom, and we're going to need it.

My craft list is getting very long. I have a lot of fabric piling up and should probably get to it. I'm going to be making a book sling, leg warmers for V, and a blanket. I also want to look into learning to crochet. Can't wait to get started. Now if only the boys would nap at the same time, all the time, so I could attempt all this craftiness.

In other news, a couple weeks ago we had Danny Vasquez take our photos...again. There is no other photographer I will EVER use. And this is why.
 (I love how you can see the glop of drool between the skull and crossbones on his outfit...he is amazingly drooly!)


On a random note, I am so thankful that I've been blessed with a high metabolism. I know that sounds weird, but I can't stop eating Nutella. It's all I've been eating, really. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack. I think I'm a little behind on this discovery, and shame on you who have known the pure blissfulness of this food and have never opened my world to it. And at 200 calories a tablespoon with the way I eat it...lets just say that's a lot of calories I'm poundin' in. But whatev. Love it. And if you're reading this and haven't tried it, march your butt to the store and get yourself a little piece of heaven.

The next couple of weeks are gonna get crazy. I've been planning a very pirate-y birthday party for a boy that's now really into Toy Story 3...well, he was once into pirates. More on that later.

For now, I'm peacin' out. A book and another cup of decaf are calling my name.


Ruth Ann said...

love the family photos! Super cute!!

Lissa said...

sarah! thought of you when it snowed 5" here last weekend! :) and, also, there's a bakery here that uses nutella in their banana bread - they do it in layers ie bread, nutella, bread. mmm!