Tuesday, November 8, 2011

according to roman

{a conversation before nap time}
Me: okay, Roman, it's time to nap
R: but i don't want to nap!
Me: well, you have to
R: well, can you sweep with me?
Me: no, not today, I've got work to do downstairs, sorry, love.
R: but I want you to sweep with me!
Me: not today love.
R: Will dada sweep with me?
Me: I don't know, ask him
R: hey DAD! can you sweep with me?
Jeff: no, sorry bud.
R: but I just want someone to sweep with me! I just want a girl to sweep with me!
Me: gotta get married first, dude.


So, we've been working on potty training with Roman and haven't had a 'pee' accident in a while (yay!), but the kid will.not.poop. in the toilet.  We've repeatedly talked about 'Okay, Roman, the next time you have to poop, let's do it in the potty!' and his reply is "yeah, we have to poop in the potty." So why he doesn't is beyond me.

On this occasion, I was sitting on the couch and he was playing in the 'toy corner' standing right next to me. I look over at him and could just 'tell'.

Me: Roman, are you pooping?
R: no (silent grunt)
Me: Roman. Are.You.Pooping?!
R: No, I not pooping (another silent grunt)
Jeff: Roman, let's go to the potty right now!
*They get into the bathroom, Jeff's unzips Roman's pj's*
R: It's gonna pop out! Watch it...it's gonna be cool!

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