Sunday, February 5, 2012

according to Roman

While playing with Jeff as I was preparing supper

J: Roman, what did you learn about at church (BSF) today?
R: Um, about Paul and Timothy.
J: Oh yeah?
R: yeah, and they were going to Chicago to tell people about Jesus!


while laying on the coffee table with his hand down his pants (on his butt)
R: want to know what I'm doing?
Me: uh, yeah. why is your hand on your butt?
R: I'm digging for bugs!
Me: in your butt?
R: yeah! oh! there's one!! (puts imaginary bug in his mouth)
Me: gross.


Jeff: Roman, when are you going to be a man?
R: mom, when am I going to be a men?
Me: what do you think?
R: In 15 months, then I will turn a man.


A conversation with Jeff during supper:
Jeff: Roman are you going to get married one day?
R: Yeah!! (all excited) I'm going to have a wife like you!
Jeff: Is she going to be pretty?
R: Yep!
Jeff: what is she going to look like?  {we both thought he'd reference his mama ;)}
R: a Chicken!!

Three is the best!

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