Wednesday, April 8, 2009

never again...

so, in light of roman's cat napping lately, i've been doing a lot of reading, and even called his doctor for some thoughts. his nurse called me back and i explained what a 'typical' day would be like, and she said to try the following, and to be consistant: do whatever it is you do before bed, ie. nursing, reading, etc. and put him to bed drowsy, but awake. (i already knew and have been doing this). If he starts to cry, let him for no longer than 10 minutes (we would let him fuss, but not very long and once he got really upset, we'd go in and soothe him, but we wouldn't pick him up out of his crib). i REALLY need to try this?!?!! after 10 minutes if he's kind of just whining, let him go a little longer and see what happens. But if he's totally screaming, obviously, pick him up and calm him down, however long that takes, and once he's calm, lay him back down again. I guess the goal is to have him wear himself out. I was against this from the start, and the results only prove my point, but i thought i'd give it a shot anyway.

Needless to say, I will NEVER do that again. never. never. never.

I put roman down, and instantly he started crying. So, i went out to my car, (jeff was in the house w/ him) and called my friend, talked to her for 10 minutes and when i came back in....whoa. Roman was SO hysterical. He was sobbing, practically inconsolable. it was the absolute saddest thing i have ever heard in my life. and i'm sure it did nothing for roman except make him wonder why no one was coming to his aid. I would rather stick with what we have been doing, than hear him cry like that ever again. it was past the 'i'm really tired' cry and on to almost a scared cry. i'm mad at myself for not coming in the house sooner to soothe him. but i've learned a valuable lesson, and now i know (even more so) why i was opposed to this method from the beginning.

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