My grandma sarah turned the big 7-0 on easter. We had a family gathering at my aunts house in ankeny last sunday to celebrate easter as well as her bday. My aunt anne has 3 kids, my aunt kas has 3 kids, my mom has 4 kids and i have 1 kid....there were a lot of kids there. So all in all, i think the total was brought to about 20 that were there. well, tonight my grandpa irv took all of us that were there last sunday out to Fuji! It was delicious! :) thanks gramps!!
While waiting for our hibachi table, roman and i walk over to where my grandma, mom and aunts are standing (by the bar) to chat. My grandma (who never drinks alcohol) had a rum and coke in her hand...oooh, about 1/2 gone. it was her first of the evening. My mom has roman and i'm just standing next to my grandma and she proceeds to tell me (completely out of the blue) that my "bosom's are quite large since having roman!" WHAT!!!!! oh man. i didnt say anything. In fact, i tried to pretend she didn't say anything either, but my mom felt the need to jump in and say (kind of loud) 'she's lactating!' or something to that affect....thanks mom. :)
We're sitting, now, at our table enjoying the food that was prepared in front of us. My dear grandma is now on her 2nd rum and coke. I believe the last time she 'drank too much' was when she was 21...
Her 2nd glass wasn't even 1/2 gone when she ordered a third and then said, "oh man, i'm going to get loaded tonight!!!" hahahahahahahahaha! are you kidding me?! my grandma said this. i laughed soooo much! now, while i may have had 1 too many ONE TIME in my life, and definitely do not condone this type of behavior, this situation was absolutely hilarious to me. I have never seen, nor heard, my grandma talk or act like this! dang, it was funny. i love you grandma!
well, here are some photos of Rome.

i'm kind of a big deal...

his chubby little legs stuck straight out in his bumbo!
my little stud
dad and rome reading 'b is for bear' of his favorites!
roman 'reading' his photo book. he loves this thing!

this is what he does with everything now! i love it!

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