Tuesday, June 23, 2009

poolin' it up!

It is dang hot here in Iowa. And since the last couple of days have been ridiculously hot, and the coming days promise to be as well, Roman and I decided to pool it up with our good friends Wendy and Savannah. They have a fancy blow up pool with a palm tree (canopy-like) over top of it to shade us from the sun. This was Roman's very first time in a pool. At first he wasn't so sure about it. It actually took us 3 trys and he was okay with sitting on the edge (as shown in the following photos). The pool water was nice and cold...but maybe that's what Ro wasn't so sure of. Either that or maybe it was Brisco (their dog) who felt the need on several occasions to make sure everything was going alright in the pool. What matters is, eventually we had a great time!

Roman liked to chomp on this here butterfly.

But whenever Savannah noticed he had this amazing butterfly, she decided she needed it (there were 3 other beautiful butterflies floating nearby her) :)
I also had to hold his feet up out of the water most of the time

so we gave her the fanciest of toys...a cup! And after a while, decided to go back inside to the air conditioning!

This is what my poor baby looked like afterwards. And no I didn't allow him to get sun burnt! This is a reaction to the sunblock I put on him before we went over. poor little man!! Guess we're switching brands!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

He had sun screen issues again? Poor boy!