Thursday, March 29, 2012

a few of our days last week

every other monday i get to watch the sweetest, bossiest two year old little love.  ella hangs with us for a few hours while her older brother and mama go to their CC class.  we love having her here.
we had roman's preschool co-op here last week. in addition to the normal four three year olds i also had viggo, my neice who is six weeks older than viggo, and a dog.  it was a little nuts, but fun!  

we talked about the letter 'G' and transportation. so for 'g' we planted some wheatgrass in a garden each of the kiddos took home...because i like to let them make messes and what's more messy than dirt?
 after preschool, chiara hung out with us and her little brother joined us while their mama had a lunch date with a friend.  roman helped feed valor for about .3 seconds.  valor is the squirmiest eater ever. :)

roman is really into showing me what he's capable of doing. the photo below show's off his amazing talent. 
after naps on friday, jeff and i took the boys for supper and then finished the night off with the park.  it's fun to get out at dusk and skip bedtime.  the boys really love playing outside. after romping around on the playground we let the boys swing for a bit.  jeff was pushing viggo fairly high and you could tell by his giggle and breath holding it was tickling his tummy big time. so stinking cute. his eyes were watering and everything.   yay nice weather!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

around these parts...

well, march is just about over, isn't it. i know i haven't been around in a while, so thanks to you who have been checking back every now and then!
a few fun things we've been doing--

brother hugs.  i tell you what, it is the sweetest thing to see those two love on each other.  viggo is typically pretty than willing to console roman should he be sad. roman asks for a hug from little brother usually if he's upset at me for not giving him what he wants.

we've been enjoying the crazy warm, dare i say hot, weather this past week. now i am asked forty bajillion times a day if we can go outside and look for worms. i oblige. roman adores worms.  viggo loves the outdoors too, though he's less likely to stay close. he has his own agenda for spending his time in nature.

we were blessed by a friend and received a small plastic slide for the yard. viggo is absolutely all about it. he's the perfect size for it, too! roman uses it every now and again, but he's still mostly focused on finding as many worms as he can.  we also have a sandbox turtle that the boys have been playing in. however, a few weeks ago a great wind caught the turtle shell and took off with it. i still haven't found it so now the sand is more like a beach.  i think i'll dump the sand out eventually.

viggo's pone. i love it.

a not so fun thing we've been doing--

viggo came down with rsv last thursday. it was awful. he was the most sick he's ever been in his life.  he would cough so hard he'd throw up anything that was in his stomach. absolutely broke my heart.  after our trip to the doctor he was put on a nebulizer treatment three times a day.  thank goodness for those things!  he's on day three without needing a treatment, and no cough to hear of anymore so he is healthy once more. yay for health!