Saturday, November 26, 2011

hey there, I'm behind...gobble gobble.

ahem, I started this post, like, a month ago....

The boys and I were spoiled this year. We enjoyed three Thanksgiving suppers. Holla!

Part One.
Last Saturday we kicked off Turkey week and my Aunt's house in Ankeny. In years past it's been difficult to maneuver getting to all {three}sides of the family, so I was excited she was hosting another one in addition to her usual Thanksgiving Day meal. Added bonus, my mom, who always travels to Chicago with her husband for T-day, was able to enjoy a traditional meal with her side too! Side note, her husbands side eats chitlins, ham hocks and some other non-turkey-ish day food. :)
 Viggo adores books right now. And by adore I mean obsessed. I brought several books to my Aunt's house and he went from person... person person wanting them to read to him. I love that he has this obsession. He wasn't wanting anything to do with books for the first 14 months of his life. Then, like a light bulb, he realized the were awesome. So read we do!
 Roman was so happy to have his second cousins play 'you-be-this-guy" with him...pretty much the first half of the night.

Part Two.
On Thanksgiving Day my boys and I spent the afternoon with the Barton side. My SIL and her family from Cedar Falls joined us, as well as Grandma Toppenberg and Aunt Chris, & Uncle Jon. It was a small but large enough crowd. The cousins absolutely love playing together and the weather was unbeatable. 63 degrees? I'll take that any day! We got some great outside playing time and the oh-so-dreaded family photos. :)

the younger ones wanted out SO BADLY. So what do their older brothers do? 
 ah, the stick. one of these may end up in the boys' stockings.
 poor dude. he did not want to sit next to his brother and cousin for a photo. 

Part Three.
My brother and his wife hosted Thanksgiving for the Bohn side the Saturday after T-day and it was delicious. My sister-in-law did a fabulous job on the turkey, and I brought some Pioneer Woman homemade stuffing. So good. For reals.

 this is seriously the best photo we got of all the kids with Papa. 
 Aunt Kim and the kiddos

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


In birthday's past, I've had the mentality of 'me'. It's nothing I'm proud of, by any means.  Birthday's are an incredibly special day to me. Mine included.  However, I'd put so much importance on it (mine) that I'd only end up disappointed.

You see, I'm selfish by nature. Also nothing I'm proud of.  And I wanted my birthday to be all Some may be wondering why this is a bad thing, and to that I'd respond that it doesn't have to be a bad thing. But the way I'd go about it (in my head) was definitely not mature, if you will.

I look at last years, and am so thankful I am not there again.  It was possibly the worst one I'd ever had. Birthday's, that is. Long story short, I was at the peak of my PPD and was left alone with both boys for an entire weekend.  I was terrified to be alone, thinking I couldn't handle two boys by myself. I am so thankful for God's grace that carried me through that horrid time.  It is by Him alone I made it through.

So today I woke up and chose to be thankful for all that I've been blessed with.  Another year of life, day of breath. Two of the sweetest babies in the world. A handsome husband that loves me with all he has. A home, clean water, furniture, blankets, food, family. The list goes on and on.
So here's to another year full of adventure. I pray I am more intentional than ever in all aspects of this live I've been given.  I want to love the crap out of life. That is my goal.

And in thirteen days we get to celebrate another life. Swoon, baby.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The boys and I trick or treated twice on Halloween. First was Main Street. It was our first time doing that this year, and we had so much fun! We met a few of our friends there and it took us just about two hours to walk two sides of one block. But whatev.
I wrote that a few days after Halloween, and was planning on publishing a post then, but my camera battery died and the charger has yet to be found. Luckily, for me, Best Buy carries such a charger for said dead battery and we are back in business! On to Halloween!
 best group horrible. It's obvious I really tried to get a good one. 
 Jem, singing her heart out
 ah yes, the terrifying "Hulk". 

Roman really understood the point of trick or treating this year. He was ALL ABOUT the candy. I remember last year, the first few houses we went to he thought he was supposed to go inside for a play-date. It was hilarious.

On to the evening...
 this boy doesn't like to sit still
 it's also geting more difficult to get a good photo of both of them
unless they are both strapped into something and immobile. But even then, Roman has been into making really funny faces 
sorry, little brother. you will get to have more fun next year. But you seemed to enjoy your time just hanging in the stroller on our 'walk'. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

according to roman

{a conversation before nap time}
Me: okay, Roman, it's time to nap
R: but i don't want to nap!
Me: well, you have to
R: well, can you sweep with me?
Me: no, not today, I've got work to do downstairs, sorry, love.
R: but I want you to sweep with me!
Me: not today love.
R: Will dada sweep with me?
Me: I don't know, ask him
R: hey DAD! can you sweep with me?
Jeff: no, sorry bud.
R: but I just want someone to sweep with me! I just want a girl to sweep with me!
Me: gotta get married first, dude.


So, we've been working on potty training with Roman and haven't had a 'pee' accident in a while (yay!), but the kid will.not.poop. in the toilet.  We've repeatedly talked about 'Okay, Roman, the next time you have to poop, let's do it in the potty!' and his reply is "yeah, we have to poop in the potty." So why he doesn't is beyond me.

On this occasion, I was sitting on the couch and he was playing in the 'toy corner' standing right next to me. I look over at him and could just 'tell'.

Me: Roman, are you pooping?
R: no (silent grunt)
Me: Roman. Are.You.Pooping?!
R: No, I not pooping (another silent grunt)
Jeff: Roman, let's go to the potty right now!
*They get into the bathroom, Jeff's unzips Roman's pj's*
R: It's gonna pop out! Watch's gonna be cool!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

according to roman

He thinks Vanilla Wafers are called 'Vanilla Wipers'. Even if you try to correct him, he tells you you're the wrong one.


{while watching Veggie Tales-St. Nicholas}
R: pointing to St. Nicholas. 'That's St. Nicholas'
Me: yep! Who is St. Nicholas?
R: um, a veggie.


{eating breakfast before Viggo was awake}
R: Is Viggo awake?
Me: Nope, he must be really tired!
R: but, we are not tired
Me: well, I'm pretty tired still
R: but you don't have a yawn!


{as I was getting ready for an event at church}
R: mom! where are you going??
Me: To church to learn about becoming...{paused to think about how I was going to explain to him that I was leaving to learn about how I am "Beautifully Designed" to dress, how to be a godly woman}
R: becoming a tiger? orrrr a dolphin??
M: (laughing) no sweet boy. I'm going to learn how to be a godly mama
R: annnnd a dolphin. or a tiger.


R: Hey mom? Can you get dada some candy? (he was upstairs)
Me: what does he want?
R: he wants starborsts, but I ate them all. So that's a bummer.


{while playing with his train tracks and trains}
R: this train will go what the hell up the hill
Jeff: Roman, what did you just say?
R:this train is going what the hell up the hill

we made sure to clarify 'hill'