Friday, December 10, 2010

Come and Worship

I was going to write about my recent shopping excursion to Hy-Vee. How I took Viggo with me and left a sick two year old with his grandma. How upon getting there I got stressed out and overwhelmed about the fact that this was 'unfamiliar' ground. And how I came to the conclusion that I'm a Fareway girl at heart.

I could write about how my little boy got croup again on Monday night and how I was really impressed with myself because I wasn't spending the evening before he went to bed totally wiggin' out about the possibility of him getting it...and when he did wake up at 12:45 am calling out for me, and when I went in his room and my suspicions had been confirmed, how I didn't get sick to my stomach in fear he was going to DIE from it. Because this is the third time he's gotten it and I've come to the realization that he's probably just going to be one of those kids who gets it often.

I could write about how Viggo reached a big-time milestone and rolled over for the first time a couple days ago. But you can just check it out here. And while your at it, here's Roman singing his abc's.

I could write about how I've been 'meaning' to put away clean, used-to-be-folded laundry, or that I haven't had a good night's sleep in a while...and every time I go to lay down for a nap, either I can't fall asleep or just as I get comfortable Viggo stirs.

But I'm not going to. Instead, this morning as I turned on Pandora and my 'Bebo Norman Holiday' station came on, so did an amazing song. I can say, without a doubt, the way I worship the best is through music. It reaches my soul in a way nothing else does.

I've been feeling a lack of connection, if you will, this Advent season. I usually cannot wait to get the tree up, decorations out and placed in their temporary homes for the remainder of the year, holiday music playing loud and often. In years past, I've put up our tree before Thanksgiving...that's right...BEFORE. But for whatever reason this year I've had to force myself to do things that have normally been second nature.

So back to the song.

It's funny how God works because seeing this video and hearing this song has changed the meaning of Christmas for me, forever. Maybe it's because I'm a mama and I know how deeply I love my children and what lengths I would go to for them. I just can't stop thinking about what it would be like to be the mama of oh, I don't know, the Savior of the WORLD! To all you mama's out there, really take a minute and replace your child with Jesus. Just think about that. What would that have been like.

I've had it all wrong all these years. It sounds so cheesy, like I should have gotten this years ago. But Christmas is not about decorating the house in festive attire to the tune of Jingle Bells, or finding the perfect gift for the ones on your list, or anything that takes away from the fact that it's a birthday. It's the birthday. And birthdays are kind of a big deal in this house. In fifteen days it is Jesus' birthday. In fifteen days, some two thousand plus years ago, the one who saved us was born. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty excited about that.

So, without further ado, here is the video and song that has changed my life. Come and worship with me! (scroll all the way down to turn off the music first)

The look on the third wise man's face says it all, if you ask me.


danielle said...

That was awesome, Sarah. Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

Can't watch that video without crying. One of my favorites for sure!!