Saturday, April 14, 2012

according to roman

While 'playing toys' with Jeff -

R: you go to jail and I'll go to Jesus!


Sitting on the coffee table having some grapes

R: {farts}
Me: {makes a face}
R: that was just my fart, mom. Don't worry about it.


J: remember that time I burped in your mouth?
R: yeah. that was so gross!!! (covering his mouth with his hands)


Roman's been really into his Dada lately. he gets so sad when Jeff leaves to go anywhere. on this particular day Jeff was leaving our house from his lunch break.

R: NOOOOOO!!!!! I want you to hug me!!!!!! (half crying)
J: comes in and snuggles his boy
R: I want to keep you forever!
J: I want to keep you forever!
R: we want to keep each other forever. can you tell me a story?


roman and jeff go back and forth several times a day telling each other pretend stories. it's adorable and is totally their bonding time. i love it so.

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