Sunday, December 23, 2012

just popping in

whoa. hey life, can you calm down just a little? between doctor appointments, finishing up christmas shopping {and wrapping!}, and day to day tasks with a two and four year old, my days have merged with the next and time is slipping out of my grasp. and then add pregnancy brain on top of that. it's fun over here. speaking of christmas, tomorrow is christmas eve already! what?! i cannot wait to wake up on christmas morning with my littles and watch them unwrap their gifts, and have a christmas breakfast {still need to figure that out}, beginning holiday traditions with the boys, and spend the day with extended family. this year, thanks to pinterest, i'm starting a christmas eve surprise box tradition.   i've filled a box, wrapped of course, with new jammies for each boy, a board game, a new christmas book, and other odds and ends.  how fun it will be to come home from church tomorrow night and have this big box for them to open. and what's more fun than opening a box filled with goodies to unwrap!?  unwrapping is the best part.  i plan on wrapping all their stocking stuffers as well because it's just that fun.  eeep! so excited!

next order of business...

we have figured out a way to keep viggo from tearing off his diaper during nap and bedtime. packaging tape.  it's become routine in my home at nap and bed time to secure viggo's diaper with clear packaging tape. wrapped all the way around him. viggo actually thinks it's awesome. he loves having it done and cooperates so well, usually smiling and watching us as we do it.  he loves tape, so i can only imagine his excitement to be able to wear the stuff all night long.  and mama does just a little less laundry. win-win.

roman has adjusted to being four quite well.  now that he's four he is just more capable...i guess. so he says.  everything he can do now is because he's four. whether it's getting himself dressed, eating a certain number of bites of food at meals, jumping off the couch. you know. four year old things.  it's pretty fun so far.

and in sister news, whom i now like to call our little snow bunny, a few developments have emerged. first of all, the name we chose for her has been claimed by another family we know {we did not tell our name to said family, so they have no idea}, and now we are looking for another name.  it's difficult to unattach yourself to a name you've been calling your child for the last several months, but this family also has a son named something close to roman, and i just can't have it.  it would just be too weird for me. we're pretty sure we've landed another first name, but now to string it to a middle name.

we also had a doctor appointment this past friday. in the two and a half weeks from our last appointment, sister went from two pounds three ounces to three pounds eight ounces {i'm glad all that extra eating i've been doing has been worth it!} but has also developed some swelling in the lower half of her body. legs, hips, & feet.  we don't know what's causing it but it's something that needs to be watched closely. i will start weekly appointments from here until the end of the pregnancy which, we learned, could be sooner than later.  if friday's appointment shows more swelling, due to the risk of hydrops occurring,  i will be given a round of steroid shots {two total in 24 hours} to mature her lungs enough for survival outside. usually delivery happens a few days after the steroid is given, which means sister could be coming shortly after new years. so... there's that. there is now a heightened sense of 'oh crap we've got to get things FIG-URED OUT!'  of course, there is also the chance that the swelling could stay the same or go down, and in either case would not merit immanent arrival of baby. which would be great. but whatever God wants to do is fine with me. i just hope he helps figure out the logistics of me being in dsm with snow bunny and jeff and the boys being at home, with jeff going to work at four in the morning.  i believe we will need a live-in for a while.  but we can't really plan anything until we know more on friday.  so we wait...some more.  and while we wait we will enjoy celebrating the birth of our savior. thank goodness for hope.

i sure hope your have the merriest christmas!


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