Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Next Baby Gap Model???

I just entered Roman into Gap's 'Casting Call'. They are looking for kids and babies to be the next face of baby and kids Gap. Here's a link to vote for Roman as the Fan Favorite! If we win this one, we'll win a trip to some exotic place for 6 nights!!! A panel of judges ultimately chooses the next model, but if we win that here is what we get:

~$1000 gap gift card
~Roman's face across baby gaps, nationwide starting in February, 2010
~VIP experience for 4 at The Lion King in either NYC or Vegas
~Professional Gap photoshoot (obviously)

Please vote for us!! :) (oh yeah...the website requires you to register with them, which is, I think, dumb, and you can vote only once per day. We have a lot of catching up to do!!!) :) Thank You!!

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