Friday, March 26, 2010

I am loving this weather! And to make things better, next week promises temps in the 70's! 

Roman and I are on for play dates. We love hanging out with people as much as possible, especially when it is fantastic outside. Sunshine does wonders. 

Yesterday morning we headed to Grimes to visit a friend we haven't seen since fall. It is so bizarre to say that because fall seemed like so long ago. 

Danielle's two children are absolutely heart melting. I can't get enough of them. Caden is a rowdy two-year-old. A boy to the core. And sweet Mabel is so full of expression. At almost one, she is tiny yet full of personality. Roman was hooked from the moment he laid eyes on her. It was almost a protective 'I need to be as close to you as possible' attitude he had. Loved it.

Us moms chatted about everyday things. Being mamas, wives and our daily struggles. Crochet blankets and nursing. It was so refreshing to be around an old friend whom I have so much in common with.  We will be getting together a lot in the near future.

It was just a splendid, uneventful, satisfying day. 


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