Thursday, April 8, 2010


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Time goes by too fast these days. I've wanted to blog about Easter for a while now, but I'm not one for blogging without pictures. And I don't like to post photos that haven't been edited. (I know, how snobby of me, but once you've tasted all that editing can do, it's hard to go back)! And I haven't been able to edit any photos lately because the program is on Jeff's computer which he takes to work.

But now that I've gotten my butt in gear and have these splendid photos to share, here I am. 

Easter was great. It felt 'different' in a way I can't really put into words. In the past it was just another holiday. Important, yes, but I've never experienced it. Make sense? 

God is doing some great, amazing and challenging things in my heart (and mind), and it's been awesome. More on that later.

So back to Easter. It technically wasn't Roman's first, but it seemed like it because he was so small last year. This year I wanted to dress him in pastel-y colors and get somewhat caught up in (but not losing sight of the real purpose, of course) traditions.  

We enjoyed a lunch with Jeff's family and had a small egg hunt with Roman's cousins, Nora and Owen. Opening presents was a treat, too.

From delicately crafted bracelets

to a Nemo Bubble Blower, a must have during breakfast,

all the babes were satisfied.  

Then it was off to Papa Bohn's house for another round of hunting down those brilliant eggs, 

enjoying a ridiculous amount of marshmallows,

and finding a special egg with a special little boy's name on it that didn't contained small white sugary treasures in it.

On the menu were hamburgers, fruit, chips, and fantastic egg shaped scotcharoos,

made courtesy of this adorable couple.

To end the evening, we were excited to have our own real 'petting zoo.'  Papa's acreage has horses for neighbors. Roman was very excited about it.

And, of course, a family photo

It was really bright!    



The Massons said...

I'm so glad Easter was different for you. I was praying for that for you a ton last week. I can't wait to hear more! I didn't hear back from you about getting together this morning so I assumed it didn't work. Let's shoot for a morning next week. I'll look at my schedule and we can chat at connection group! Love ya!

TJ said...

Stumbled upon your blog from a friends blog. What a cute family you have! I was wondering if you would tell me where you found that ADORABLE green cardigan your little boy is wearing in the pictures?? I'm pregnant and this is just one of those super cute items I would love to get for the baby! :) Thanks so much!


Sarah said...

Hi Tonya!

I got that sweater at an adorable little shop in downtown Franklin, TN when we went there on vacation. It's call 'Vintage Baby'. I love it too! It was my splurge item for Roman while we were there. :)