Sunday, January 2, 2011

christmas recap

This Christmas was...weird. Along with the lack of 'feeling it,' Jeff got a 24 hour flu. He started his every two hour trip to the bathroom Christmas Eve and was completely bed-ridden Christmas day. I missed having my man with me on such an important day. He missed seeing Roman open his presents and stocking. So in a sense, it was a bust.

In another sense, the you-pretty-much-got-everything-you-asked-for! Roman really understood the opening presents part and it was a.dor.a.ble. Hearing him say in his tiny little voice 'open pesents!?' (no, I didn't mis-spell presents, he doesn't say the 'r'), was heart warming...just totally melted my heart. The magic in his eyes...sigh.

We were too busy though. Next year we start our own traditions. Sorry Grandma Sarah, chances of us Bartons heading your way next year are slim.


The kick off started at my Aunt Carrie's on Dec. 11th. We ended up staying the night because, if you remember, we had our first blizzard of the season and we were not going to try to make it home. We learned -the hard way- that we can never take our boys anywhere overnight until they're older. Much much older.
playin' barbies with Emma...nbd

Then it was Christmas Eve at Grandma Sarah's in Ankeny.
Woot! Christmas day finally arrives!
After opening presents at home, the boys and I headed over to Mimi's for brunch and MORE presents. :)
And the hullabaloo ended with opening gifts at Papa's on Sunday
It was a successful Christmas overall!

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