part one.
here we are, the week of valentine's day, and i'm just now getting my crap together long enough to write the story of my daughters birth. in a way, it feels silly writing about a scheduled c-section, seeing as how it's more 'predictable,' but there were still so many emotions involved and i don't want to forget how far we've come on our journey to meet this precious life.
two weeks before her birth i went all nesting-on-crack on everyone. in that span of time i sought out, found and purchased a dresser for her room. sanded, primed, painted and chevroned said dresser with the help of a great friend {whom without i'm positive it wouldn't have turned out as amazing as it did, or even gotten done. thanks beth! xo}, found a crib on craigslist and went to pick it up with another great friend on our way to supper in des moines, put the crib together by myself that night, purchased a mattress the next day as well as fabric for crib sheets. made yet another great friend sew three crib sheets for me, i made eight burp cloths, went shopping for nursery wall decor, found some cute wooden birds and modge podged scrapbook paper on them, bought more fabric and sewed a couple gauze swaddle blankets...and made a feather stamp from a potato and stamped one of them.
i think that covers most of it. there's nothing like a deadline to get you motivated. her room is still not completely done, though. i'm not entirely satisfied with the wall decor so i'll be adding to it here and there. plus her windows are begging for some curtains. good thing she doesn't sleep in there yet. :)
fast forward to january 23rd. coming off of four hours of sleep the previous night, you'd think i would have been tired. i was. i let the boys watch a little too much kipper the dog that morning so i could rest on the couch. don't worry, they didn't mind. and as soon as i got my butt up i made sure to take special notice of the little things the boys did because this was my last day with just them. it was an ordinary day. we ran last minute errands, ate lunch, took naps, pitched fits and packed bags. but at the same time it wasn't ordinary. it was the last day of this particular routine. we had been counting down the days to their sleepover at grandma's house and talking about how mommy will be in the hospital for a few days and won't be able to see them {flu policy at the hospital, thank goodness for face time...i missed them like crazy!} and while roman understood for the most part, i was hoping viggo would have a roll with it kind of disposition. leaving them made me nervous. not because we were just leaving them for an overnight with the grandparents, but because when we reconnected, life would be different. good different, but different nonetheless.
that evening we loaded all the boys' stuff up in the van and met jeff's parents at el azteca for a celebratory supper. afterwards we all headed to jeff's parents house and hung out there for a little bit. i was trying to soak in every last second with my boys. we switched car seats out and i went through our nightly oiling of the feet with jeff's mom. roman and viggo had gotten small colds earlier that week so i had brought every essential oil cindy could possibly need...with instructions on use, of course. we had been praying hard against illness {specifically the flu} in the weeks prior to this moment, so i was on high alert with the defenses. around the boys bedtime jeff and i hugged and kissed them a little extra, and took on last family photo of just the four of us, and hugged and kissed a little more, then we were off. when we got home i sat in our empty home marveling at the fact that we were hours away from meeting this new life. a new life that, at several points along the way, we were sure we wouldn't get to meet until heaven. we packed our bags for the hospital and jeff went to bed. i tried falling asleep, but i was consumed with thought. it took more than an hour for sleep to finally make its appearance. and then i was up before the alarm.
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