Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Today is Tuesday. Well it's almost over, which I am so happy about! We had a great morning and early afternoon but late afternoon/evening...eh, not so much. I'm also so happy my God's mercies are new every morning because I totally blew it today. Not my finest day as mama.

Moving on.

We had a great time at Bandshell Park today with our friends the Chappell's. Love them. Their youngest (well, outside of utero) is six months older than Roman and they have very similar personalities & they get along so wonderfully. Their oldest is a few years older than Roman, but he adores Ariana too.

So we picniced and played, and it was grand.
Roman was dancing and singing 'everybody was kung foo fighting!' It was hilarious. 
 We spent about two hours at the park, and you'd think that would tire some kids out, right? Not my kids. Sophia went down (with a fight, but down nonetheless), and I thought Viggo would sack out too, but he decided he didn't want to miss anything. Lately I've been having Roman not nap on Tuesday's because it's just easier than trying to get two out of the three to nap in the same room.

Today, because of lack of naps and Sophia being woken up early from hers...due to a loud, fit throwing toddler, this mama about lost her marbles. Again, thankful that tomorrow we can all start over.

'Member last week when it was, oh, 800 degrees outside? Well this is what we did.
And it was incredible. Roman loves loves loves water. His favorite things are birds and fish right now. I'm so excited to take him to the pool this summer. I'd really like to get a family pass this year and make it a four-day-a-week ritual. Who's with me?

I hope your Tuesday was better than mine!

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