Tuesday, August 23, 2011

photo dump

I don't have any fancy words to share tonight. I was just going through my photos and realized I had taken them with every intention of blogging about them when I took them. Nevertheless time slipped away so here is a long photo dump. Some may have captions, but don't expect them to. :)
 step 1: identify food you'd like to pick up with your mouth
 step 2: open mouth as wide as possible over said food
 step 3: smash it down hard with your top lip so it can't escape, close mouth and mash food with gums.
 Roman got in on some 'pick-up-your-food-with-your-mouth' action. He said: 'Look, a mustache!' Smart kid. 
 tub love
 he climbed up there all by himself and was so proud. 
 exhausted after a nap-less afternoon
 nothing like having a couple handy norsemen around the house
 not so into this photo shoot
 ol' stink face
 moobs and a mowhawk
 my sweet friend Chantelle {from beauty school} is having a baby girl this October. this was at her baby shower
my first time making donut holes. these were pumpkin and delicious, aside from the extra crispness.

The End.

1 comment:

Ruth Ann said...

Viggo's moobs are the greatest ever. I love that kid. And I LOVED Roman's bread 'stache too. Cute cute kiddos!!