Thursday, August 4, 2011

and so it is

Today, one year ago, after a few days of crap labor, my body decided to do what it was made to do. As I'm sitting here next to a pile of unfolded laundry, I remember it well. Already three days past my due date, I was getting very anxious to meet this little boy.

You can read the rest of our story here.


My precious Viggo,
Words cannot describe the love that burns within my heart for you.  I could, and often do, scoop you up in my arms and  nom on your squishy little self all day long.  When you are sleeping, I want you awake because I love hanging out with you!

You have developed into such an awesome little boy. You are most independent. It amazes me how you figure things out so quickly. Especially climbing. You love climbing. Like, really love climbing. You climb the stairs, into boxes and baskets, on the bottom drawer of our desk {where all our movies are} and sit on top of them. You're such a problem solver. You push up the cushion of one of our living room chairs so you can climb up it and stand on it like the big boy you are. You even pull out the boxes under our coffee table to use as leverage to get up on the coffee table.  You are pretty fearless.

Yet, there is a side of you that is snugly as well, especially lately. When you wake from your nap you like to cuddle a while before you're ready to play again. You rest your head so preciously and lovingly on my chest, with your blanket in your arms, and just snuggle in. Oh how I love your snuggles.

You adore your brother and he adores you! The way you two play together is hilarious. You are pretty dramatic about things. Mostly when Roman takes toy away from you. You get so upset, throw your head back and start yelling. It's quite a sight to see.

In a lot of ways I feel guilty for you. Though you don't know any different, post partum depression has stolen months of that 'head-over-heels-in-love' feeling. So, maybe it took loner than I thought, but let me tell you that now we are completely smitten with each other.

I cannot wait to see the man God is calling you to be. I pray that your dad and I can do the best job we know how in raising you to know and love Him. He loves you more than I do, which, let me tell you, is a whole lot of love. I pray that you stay on the narrow path with your eyes forward.

You will be amazing. I know it.

all my love,

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Aww hon, I remember reading about your birth experience and my heart just ached for you! You are such an amazing mama, and I love your honesty when it comes to the post partum period. It's not always roses. You are doing such a great job with those boys!! Happy birthday sweet Viggo!!