Tuesday, November 15, 2011


In birthday's past, I've had the mentality of 'me'. It's nothing I'm proud of, by any means.  Birthday's are an incredibly special day to me. Mine included.  However, I'd put so much importance on it (mine) that I'd only end up disappointed.

You see, I'm selfish by nature. Also nothing I'm proud of.  And I wanted my birthday to be all about...me. Some may be wondering why this is a bad thing, and to that I'd respond that it doesn't have to be a bad thing. But the way I'd go about it (in my head) was definitely not mature, if you will.

I look at last years, and am so thankful I am not there again.  It was possibly the worst one I'd ever had. Birthday's, that is. Long story short, I was at the peak of my PPD and was left alone with both boys for an entire weekend.  I was terrified to be alone, thinking I couldn't handle two boys by myself. I am so thankful for God's grace that carried me through that horrid time.  It is by Him alone I made it through.

So today I woke up and chose to be thankful for all that I've been blessed with.  Another year of life, day of breath. Two of the sweetest babies in the world. A handsome husband that loves me with all he has. A home, clean water, furniture, blankets, food, family. The list goes on and on.
So here's to another year full of adventure. I pray I am more intentional than ever in all aspects of this live I've been given.  I want to love the crap out of life. That is my goal.

And in thirteen days we get to celebrate another life. Swoon, baby.