Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy 7 Months!!

The Latest:

~weighs in at 23lbs 13 oz (as of last Wednesday), not sure of his length

~Can fit into a size 24 months shorts, although they look a lot like ankle capri's on him...

~wears 18 month shirts

~still in a size 4 diaper, surprisingly

~Is rolling easiest from back to tummy. it happens almost immediately after I lay him down.

~Eats oatmeal for breakfast most days, but only if paired with a fruit, such as applesauce, and tries a new food every 3 days. Today and the next 2 are pears! He loves them so far!

~Nurses exclusively (with the exception of Saturday's when i work for a few hours)

~mom is the only one who can put him to bed at night. everyone else can forget it

~kicks his feet ALL the time, and watches it too. He thinks it is the coolest thing ever. (mom loves it too)

~Loves to dance when dad plays his guitar

~really enjoys the pool if it is luke warm to warm water only...

~doesn't like to be held by people he doesn't know, or at least without mom in sight

~sits up really well! he's getting there! still learning to stabilize all 24 pounds in such a compact body

~is allergic to cats

~talks ALL the time! still loves "bah bah bah" and loves when you do it back to him

~holds his mouth open for long periods of time without saying anything- its pretty hilarious!

~sleeping through the night, for the most part, now we're going to work on naps!

~still co-sleeping with mom and dad

~mom finally lets him play with other babies in the nursery at church (3 weeks in a row so far! woot woot!)

I love you, Roman, with all my heart! God has given us a great gift in you. Thank you for being such a great baby!! You are so stinking fun right now! I can't wait to see what the next months will bring!

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