Monday, June 28, 2010

We've been busy

Since Father's Day, it seem's like I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. My delicious niece was born, I've been trying to figure out what we all need still before Baby comes (which is only about four weeks away), my In-Laws house is a disaster because they are starting the remodeling process, and when I mean remodeling I mean they are going allllllll out! New hardwood floors, so the carpet has been ripped up, new granite counter tops, which means we have no counter space because there are no counters to speak of, new texture for the ceilings, which means the pop corn texture is being scraped off of it, new appliances, so we have a microwave to use for all our cooking needs -stove is gone-, etc. It's going to look amazing when it's finished, however, I think Little Sweets will be here before everything is back to normal, which stands for: I can't nest. :) There's just no room! July is going to be crazy. I wonder if the stress of everything will induce labor early for me, which, if he wanted to come around 38 weeks, like his brother, I don't think I'd be too disappointed. As long as we're all healthy! Plus we're going to be moving back into our little house at the end of the month -and need to do some re-vamping there too. We intend to keep in on the market, but feel that it's just harder to sell with someone else living in it. Cross your fingers, and if you know anyone who wants to buy an adorable two bedroom home with a mortgage that would be less than $600 a month, send them our way!

In addition to all of that (see above), I wanted to plan a little gathering to celebrate Baby's upcoming arrival. No, not a baby shower, just a party where there's good food and great friends. I like to procrastinate, so I didn't really plan anything until the week of the party, which was last Saturday. I'm discovering that it's not a good thing for me to wait until the last minute. I may become a bear. Add pregnancy hormones and a chaotic home and wha-la.

The party went well, though! We had green hydrangea and blue carnations, and some adorable little faux bird nests with jelly beans (eggs) in them as favors. On the menu: very cherry almond  and Sunday morning muffins as well as a delicious bowl of mixed fruit. To drink we had coffee, orange juice and lemon water. The muffins turned out great! I used vegan butter and our egg replacer to make them Roman friendly. Thank you to everyone who took the time to come! We felt very loved!! And a gigantic thank you to my sweet friend Laura for opening her home and allowing me to have it there. xo, Lady! 

Later Saturday evening we had a last 'family of three' photo shoot with our dear friends Danny & Jessie Vasquez. Danny is such an amazing talent! We are so blessed to call them friends and the photos turned out amazing! More on those later. 

In the midst of last minute party planning, my best friend, Erika, whom I haven't seen in almost a year, came to visit for her cousins wedding. So Friday mid-morning we got our babies together and let them play their tiny hearts out in the sprinkler while we caught some sun. There's no 'catching up' with us because though she lives in Dallas, we talk so often it's as if we're next door neighbors. Someday we WILL be. Her precious daughter, Caillet, and Roman just love each other. Caillet is a forward woman. She loves giving kisses!

isn't she delicious!

both are willing participants 

Roman doesn't want to over step his boundaries or take advantage, but she's very persistent...

and one more for the road

So that was last week. This week I've been instructed by Jeff to make no plans and to take it easy. This would probably be a lot easier if we weren't expecting a baby in a month. :) I plan on keeping my week open, though, and if anyone wants to go to the park or pool or anywhere not the house I'm living in, and enjoy the sunshine we're supposed to have this week, I'm all for that!  For now, I need a nap, and to finish laundry, and meal plan...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my family we have little parties called Blessingways for 2nd,3rd, 4th(and so on)...time moms. Usually a women only party(plus nursing babes) but fun! We homebirth so we usually get each other gifts for little children waiting during labor or items for the birth kit. Gifts for the Mother and just celebrate God's blessing! It's so fun! :)