Monday, January 9, 2012

viggo verbiage

While he's not quite talking in full sentences yet, he is saying or doing some really cute things. He's really good at saying 'mama'. He follows me around the house with his ecru colored blanket on repeat: 'mama', 'mama', 'mama', until I acknowledge him. Then he just wants me to pick him up.
He is also really into quality time (hence the following around and holding), books in which he hands you the book and turns around, backs up to you lap and plops down. It's super cute. His favorite book right now is "Go Dogs Go!" He yells that every time he wants to read it, but it sounds more like "doh dah doh!!"
Viggo knows what a cow, pig, dog, duck, horse, lion, monkey, bird, and donkey say. I'm sure there are other animals I'm forgetting.  He also says 'nana' for banana,  "wayyo" for yellow, "all done"
He is a very strong willed little boy. If he doesn't get what he wants, he gets ALL dramatic on me and cries, mouth WIDE open, like this:

throws his body the opposite direction of me and, if possible, finds something to throw. It's really funny and kind of makes me nervous at the same time.  I think he'll be my spirited one. I love his little personality.

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